my world in words
Gabby first found the courage to share her voice (literally) in founding the Gabby Gabs Podcast in 2020. Originally intended to house conversations about the intersection of faith and creativity from a Christian lens. Since then, the show has grown with Gabby to share an ever-evolving understanding of art and spirituality.
In 2023, Gabby and creative peer, Cat Keeton, founded The Writers Circle— a weekly community group for writers of all kinds. Since 2023, the group has produced 2 live showcases of its own, with its writers going on to do everything from share, publish, and perform their work within the Writers Circle meetings and beyond; frequently intersecting with organizations such as Poetry is Pretentious, Kick the Ladder, and more.
The Writers Circle community and Gabby Gabs Podcast gave way for the Gabby Gabs publication to be born on Substack, a reader-supported platform which has become home to a collection of creative non-fiction essays and reflections.
In 2024, Gabby’s writing was published for the first time in Kapoorhouse, an online magazine devoted to celebrating Atlanta musicians.